Tafsir Al Tabari.
Tafsir al-Tabari is written by Persian scholar Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (838–923). It’s original name was Jami al-bayan an tawilay al-Quran (meaning: "Collection of statements on the interpretation of verses of the Qur'an"). It is a Sunni tafsir. It was finished in the year 883.
It is the earliest major running commentary of the Quran to have survived in its original form. It is notable for its comprehensiveness and citation of multiple sources. Tabari has relied on narratives of prophet Muhammad (PBUH), including narrations and comments of sahabah and tabi'in where necessary. He supplies the chain of narrations for the reports included in the commentary, sometimes elaborating on the trustworthiness of narrators.
It is his second great work after "History of the Prophets and Kings" (Tarīkh al-Rusul wa'l-Muluk), also known as "Tarikh al-Tabari".
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