140+ Muslim Lecture Audio Collection


A Dire Warning (38.7 MB)
Ahmed Deedat Vs. Anis Shorrosh - The Qur'an or the Bible, Which is God's Word (115.3 MB)
Ahmed Deedat on Pakistan Television (Interview) (25.5 MB)
Ahmed Deedat Vs. Anis Shorrosh - Is Jesus God (216.0 MB)
Ahmed Deedat Vs. Bishop Wakefield - Was Christ Crucified (Canada) (86.9 MB)
Ahmed Deedat Vs. Dr. Robert Douglas - Crucifixion Fact or Fiction (81.6 MB)
Ahmed Deedat Vs. Jimmy Swaggart - Is the Bible God's Word (203.1 MB)
Ahmed Deedat Vs. Pastor Eric. B. Bock - Is Jesus God (Denmark) (83.1 MB)
Ahmed Deedat Vs. Pastor Stanley Sjoberg - Is the Bible True Word of God (95.5 MB)
Ahmed Deedat Vs. Pastor Stanley Sjoberg - Is Jesus God (87.2 MB)
Ahmed Deedat Vs. Prof. E.F Clark - Was Christ Crucified (London) (235.5 MB)
Al-Qur'aan - A Miracle of Miracles (U.A.E) (48.5 MB)
Al-Qur'aan - Miracle of Miracles (45.1 MB)
Al-Qur'an & the Computer (Durban) (30.9 MB)
Arab & Israel - Conflict or Conciliation (64.8 MB)
Challenge of Islam (148.9 MB)
Challenge of the Missionaries (51.0 MB)
Christ in Islam 1 (64.3 MB)
Christ in Islam 2 (Sydney, Town Hall - Ahmed Deedats Last Lecture) (153.4 MB)
Christian Family at Deedat Residence - Discussion (63.5 MB)
Christian Guests in your Mosque (Open Day Mosque) (45.1 MB)
Christian Missionaries at the I.P.C.I (167.5 MB)
Christianity & Islam (Geneva) (46.2 MB)
Christianity, Judaism or Islam - Which can Solve World Problem's (53.4 MB)
Combat Kit Course Against Bible-Thumpers at the I.P.C.I (Durban) (61.4 MB)
Combat Kit Course Against Bible-Thumpers in Nairobi (55.6 MB)
Concept of God in Hinduism & Islam (R.S.A) (100.3 MB)
Crucifixion or Cruci-fiction (101.3 MB)
Daughters of Islam (52.8 MB)
Da'wah in the U.K (175.5 MB)
Da'wah in the U.S.A (99.2 MB)
Da'wah or Destruction (85.2 MB)
Debate with American Soldiers (Gulf War 1) (52.2 MB)
Deedat a Muslim Fundamentalist (56.8 MB)
Deedat at FOSIS's 23rd Annual Winter Gathering (40.7 MB)
Deedat Office Recordings (5.5 hrs) (166.9 MB)
Deedat on BBC-1 (33.9 MB)
Deedat on Saudi TV Talk - Plus Bonus Video (25.4 MB)
Deedat's Encounter with Christian Missionaries (Debate) (78.4 MB)
Deedat's Kenyan Lecture Tour - Combat Kit Course, Nairobi (102.0 MB)
Deedat's Kenyan Lecture Tour - Jamia Masjid, Nairobi (93.5 MB)
Deedat's Kenyan Lecture Tour - Masjid Noor, South 'C' Nairobi (74.7 MB)
Deedat's Kenyan Lecture Tour - Sir Ali Muslim Club, Nairobi (113.7 MB)
Deedat's Kenyan Tour at Memon Villa Hall, Mombasa (37.7 MB)
Difficult Questions about Islam (42.8 MB)
Durban Business & Professional-Women at the I.P.C.I (40.0 MB)
Easter, A Muslim Viewpoint - What makes Good Friday, Good (138.4 MB)
Free Bible Course (53.2 MB)
Freely Speaking (36.5 MB)
Freely Speaking in Geneva (22.6 MB)
From Hinduism to Islam (Lecture in the R.S.A) (50.2 MB)
How an American Marxist found Islam (46.8 MB)
How Not to do Da'wah - Saudi Arabia, Taif (36.7 MB)
How Rushdie Fooled the West (Royal Albert Hall London) (57.5 MB)
If the Label Shows your Intent, Wear it! (42.3 MB)
In the U.A.E Spotlight (57.2 MB)
Is Israel set up for Destruction (74.7 MB)
Islam & Christianity - Symposium with Gary Miller (South Africa) (76.0 MB)
Islam & Christianity (Pakistan) (93.8 MB)
Islam in Africa (Abu Dhabi) (44.5 MB)
Islam is the True Religion (46.6 MB)
Islam is the Way, the Truth & the Life (145.4 MB)
Islam the Message to Mankind (36.1 MB)
Islam's Answer to the Popes 'Pious' Pronouncements (49.3 MB)
Jehovah's Witness visits Sheikh Deedat (165.0 MB)
Jesus Christ in Christianity & Islam (75.8 MB)
Jesus (pbuh) - Man, Myth or God (U.K) (93.7 MB)
Jesus (pbuh) Beloved Prophet of Islam (79.9 MB)
Jesus (pbuh) & Muhammad (saas) - A Comparative Study (U.K) (71.5 MB)
Jewish Family at Deedats Residence (140.7 MB)
Jum'uah Talk (18.9 MB)
Justice & Equality (50.0 MB)
Kuwait Series - 1 (English & Arabic) (51.7 MB)
Kuwait Series - 2 (English & Arabic) (31.4 MB)
Kuwait Series - 3 (English & Arabic) (33.2 MB)
Kuwait Series - 4 (English & Arabic) (61.8 MB)
Last Challenge & the Best Call (122.7 MB)
Man-God Relationship (Regents Park Masjid, London) (47.8 MB)
Message of the Qur'aan (52.7 MB)
Message to Muslim Students (45.7 MB)
Missionaries Inroads (Maldives) (29.6 MB)
Monotheism & Trinity (146.5 MB)
Muhammad (saas) - The Greatest (62.7 MB)
Muhammad (saas) - The Greatest (Pakistan Tour) (201.6 MB)
Muhammad (saas) - The Natural Successor to Christ (Pakistan Tour) (50.8 MB)
Muhammad (saas) - The Natural Successor to Christ (pbuh) (65.1 MB)
Muhammad (saas) the Prophet of Islam (46.2 MB)
Muhammad (saw) in the Bible - In Response to Swaggart in the USA (68.4 MB)
New Deceit in Christian Evangelism (44.0 MB)
Office Recordings - African Religion, Pure until White Man touched them (25.4 MB)
Office Recordings - Deedat's Encounter with Mormon Missionaries (46.6 MB)
Office Recordings - Muslim Divorce (8.1 MB)
Pope and the Dialogue (116.4 MB)
Pre-Khutbah Talk at University of Natal (21.1 MB)
Presenting Islam to Non-Muslims (106.0 MB)
Preview of U.K Debate in South Africa (Qur'an or the Bible) (80.0 MB)
Prophet Muhammad (saas) - The Hero Prophet (133.2 MB)
Pros & Cons of Israel (Denmark) (57.2 MB)
Qur'an or the Bible - Preview of U.K Debate in South Africa (69.1 MB)
Role of the Masjid in the West (Dubai) (73.4 MB)
SABC TV Debate - Islam & Christianity (South Africa) (21.3 MB)
Sequel to Christ in Islam (Studio Debate) (32.5 MB)
Sequel to the Qur'an or the Bible - Which is God's Word (U.K) (51.3 MB)
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat & the IPCI (55.1 MB)
Short Talks on Middle East TV - 1st Series (30.6 MB)
Short Talks on Middle East TV - 2nd Series (21.4 MB)
Short Talks on Middle East TV - 3rd Series (24.9 MB)
Should Rush-die Die - The Islamic Verdict (32.8 MB)
Should Rush-die Die - The Judeo-Christian Verdict (62.0 MB)
Speaking Freely at the I.P.C.I (44.2 MB)
Student Missionaries at the I.P.C.I (77.9 MB)
The Message of Truth (Malaysia) (34.1 MB)
The Qur'an or the Bible (51.3 MB)
There is a Siddique in Your Life (137.2 MB)
What is Bible (139.2 MB)
What is Wisdom (135.8 MB)
What is Wrong with Us (45.8 MB)
What the Bible says about Muhammad (saas) - In Abu Dhabi (107.4 MB)
What the Bible says about Muhammad (saas) (60.7 MB)
Why Comparative Religion (80.1 MB)
Why Da'wah (19.4 MB)
x-Bonus-x - A Letter to Deedat (1.9 MB)
x-Bonus-x - A Message to Sheikh Deedat from a Radio Station (479.0 KB)
x-Bonus-x - A Test from Allaah (Subhaanahu wa ta 'Ala) (540.4 KB)
x-Bonus-x - Ahmed Deedat Introduction 1 (873.5 KB)
x-Bonus-x - Ahmed Deedat Introduction 2 (2.4 MB)
x-Bonus-x - Ahmed Deedat Introduction 3 (746.4 KB)
x-Bonus-x - An Excerpt from a Radio Programme on Sheikh Deedat (1.2 MB)
x-Bonus-x - Biography of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (47.1 MB)
x-Bonus-x - Esam Mudeer, Journalist & Student of Sheikh Deedat (4.9 MB)
x-Bonus-x - How Deedat made me Da'ee - Dr. Zakir Naik (73.7 MB)
x-Bonus-x - Islamic Goal of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - Dr. Zakir Naik (4.3 MB)
x-Bonus-x - My Father, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - A Moving Account by Son Yousuf Deedat (25.8 MB )​
Is Jesus God (South Africa) (84.9 MB)
Is the Bible God's Word - Preview of U.S.A. Debate in U.A.E. (44.4 MB)
Is the Bible God's Word (44.6 MB)
Is the Bible the True Word of God (67.9 MB)
Islam and other Religion (34.6 MB)
Islam and the People of the Book (79.4 MB)
Islam Answers to the New World Order (44.0 MB
140+ Muslim Lecture Audio Collection

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