It Ends with Us PDF Book - Author : Colleen Hoover Books


It Ends with Us: PDF Book
Author: Colleen Hoover
ISSN NUMBER: 2773-5958, 
SSM NUMBER: 201901038138 (1347468-T),
#1 Bestselling On New York Times Magazine
Publisher ‎Atria (August 2, 2016)
Language ‎English
Paperback ‎384 pages

It Ends With Us is a one of the most Popular & powerful books of 2016 and one of the rawest, honest, inspiring, and profoundly beautiful stories I've ever it's read. It wasn't anything like what I expected, but it delivered so much more than I ever hoped for. I Think, Everyone should read "It Ends with Us" Yeah Absolutely everyone should to read.

It Ends with Us Review

"I have a confession to make here, folks:

I dismissed Colleen Hoover years ago and I haven't read anything from her since."

It's true. Three or four years ago I went through a string of so-so to bad Colleen Hoover books, and I decided to just put her out of my mind. I ignored her new releases, and I lumped her into my mental pile for authors who are "not for me."

Recently, one of my friends wanted to buddy read this book. I thought, "Gah, pay full price for a book I'm not going to like?" However, I sucked it up and sort of grumbled about it, but I decided to give it a go.

And this book blew me away.

The Colleen Hoover I last read wasn't writing books at this caliber. This was a whole different level.

For one, there are none, and I mean NONE, of the tired romance tropes presents in this book. In fact, this book was a little more woman's fiction than romance, if I'm being honest. While I guess it can still be classified, genre-rules-style, as romance, it is more about Lily's life experiences and the lessons that she learns about herself than anything else. There is a romance present, but I don't think it is the main focus of the story. While I'm not typically a women's fiction fan, I think that if this book took any other trajectory, it wouldn't have been as powerful.

I typically don't read reviews before starting a book. In fact, I didn't even read the blurb for this one, or if I did, I forgot it before starting to read. I liked that. I think going in blind with an open mind and minimal expectations is the way to go. Though the twists and turns aren't 100% unexpected, the author very much succeeded in pulling the rug out from under me on more than one occasion.

I'm usually not a fan of books where people say, "Wow, that made me think. This book is a thinker." I usually just roll my eyes internally because I assumed that the readers are being played like emotional pawns. I know, I'm judgy. But in this case, yeah, I was thinking a whole hell of a lot. It made me reevaluate how I perceive others and their relationships, and it made me rethink my biases. People are always know-it-alls until they are in the situation themselves, and then it doesn't seem quite as simple.

The author made one right decision after another with this story. I think that is the key to its success. The author made a relatable, human character in Lily, and gave each supporting character their positives and negatives. There are no villains here. No easy answers. Colleen Hoover also made an insanely smart decision to have only Lily narrate the story. There was no other choice, really, but it gave readers a laser-focus on her, which is where our focus deserves to be.

While this book has a positive ending, it is also a story that can be described as gritty, difficult, hopeful, powerful, and crushing, all at the same time. It is a long story, but it has a fast-pace with plot elements thrown in at the right times to keep interest engaged. I couldn't put the book down from the moment I got into the groove, and I read this story all night until the last page. The dedication is also important to read, but make sure you do it after you've finished the story and not before.

Colleen Hoover impressed me so much with this story. It made me rethink a lot of things, but most of all, it made me rethink how I judged Colleen Hoover years ago. I won't dismiss her so easily again.

____all credit to go for Review - Heather K💕

We Respect Every Author Hardwork - boipaw team

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